

What is LifeCybernetics? A new scientific organizing methodology based on the laws of information, energy and metabolism of living beings, which enables the creation of human-centered, nature-friendly Artificial Intelligence​

What is for? As a system-organizing platform, it can integrate every component of the economy into a synergistic ecosystem. This allows these components to maintain their autonomy while collaborating to improve energy efficiency, health, and environmental conditions.




The discovery of key knowledge necessary for creating Nature-Friendly Artificial Intelligence enables the biophysical interpretation of functions from the simplest living organisms to the entire biosphere. This understanding allows us to integrate human activities into the natural order, achieving sustainable development. Consequently, we can develop unique high-tech solutions to address the world's most pressing environmental, industrial, and social challenges.

Creating Our Future

The future is not given freely; it is up to us to create it. However, we will only have a future if scientists and engineers truly prioritize finding solutions that preserve their high moral and ethical standards.

Returning to Nature in the Current Industrial Revolution

In the ongoing industrial revolution, we must turn back to nature and engage in functional activities that support Life. This Life grows, nourishes, helps, and cares.

NORBERT WIENER (1894-1964) – The Father of Cybernetics


Original Definition: Control and Communication of Animals and Machines

Cybernetics is the key science that enabled the development of computer science. It is not directly a technological milestone, but a comprehensive interdisciplinary scientific foundation that, as a fundamental scientific paradigm, has inspired breakthroughs in many fields. The principles of Cybernetics have contributed to the development of modern informatics, artificial intelligence, control technology, network systems, and the modeling of biological and social systems, and have made possible the technological civilization we experience today.

Our information society began in 1946 with the birth of the science of cybernetics. Cybernetics (from the Greek kübernetes, meaning steersman – government) was originally defined as: “The science of control and communication between living beings and machines.”

The still legendary scientists of that era were also enthusiastic cyberneticists, because on the one hand, the study of the behavior of living beings and the implementation of their operating principles in our machine systems promised a huge civilizational perspective (see the emerging science fiction literature, which has been the main source of inspiration for our current technological achievements ever since), and on the other hand, cybernetics was unanimously considered the science of sciences: since they saw the integration of all knowledge of humanity in “machine intelligence” as feasible.

This transdisciplinary approach offered great opportunities for science by not only taking into account knowledge within various disciplines, but also the connections and interrelations between different scientific fields. They envisioned the advent of a world where technology is in symbiosis with nature and human values.

According to the original idea of ​​cybernetics, the improvement of machine control can be achieved through the understanding of the functioning of living beings, and these principles also enable the coordination of specialized sciences, embodied in a unified interdisciplinary science. Through the ability to process the complexity of phenomena, the harmony of technical civilization and the functioning of nature seemed to be created in this way.

However, Cybernetics did not achieve its original goal. I must point out an important shortcoming: the original definition of cybernetics – the unified principle of “control and communication of animals and machines” – has now narrowed down to machine systems and engineering applications, losing its original spirit of complex, living systems.

Cybernetics, as the science of systems, control and communication, has had a significant impact on all science, especially economics, since its ideas and methodology have been applied to the understanding and modeling of economic systems. Its principles and tools helped to develop new models, techniques and theories for understanding and analyzing economic systems.

Norbert Wiener’s dream of a universal science of communication and control has thus faded over the years. But he left behind two important cultural relics. The first is the image of the world as a set of networks and their coherence. The second is that there is not as clear a connection between humans and machines as some would like to believe.

Thus, instead of cybernetics becoming a worldview of the future, the technical development that flourished from it – based on operating principles that contradict the principles of life – has also made the nightmare of our own extinction a reality.


LifeCybernetics is Cybernetics that Carries the Principles of Life

Cybernetics + Metabolic Laws = LifeCybernetics

LifeCybernetics is a new scientific methodology based on the laws of information, energy and metabolism of living beings, which enables the creation of Human-Centered, Nature-Friendly Artificial Intelligence.

LifeCybernetics not only brings to the surface the original spirit of Cybernetics, but also goes beyond it, bringing new system organization principles to the complex problems of the modern age. This is therefore a new scientific paradigm that makes the creation of inter- and transdisciplinary systems a reality, so that by bridging the gap between technological and living systems, we can also find answers to the current challenges facing humanity.

Cybernetics was created at the time to explore the structure and operation of regulatory systems (such as mechanical, physical, biological, cognitive and social systems) with a transdisciplinary approach. Cybernetics can be applied when the action of the system creates some change in its environment, and this change is reflected in some way by feedback – that is, it is fed back into the system that causes the system change. Although these principles are now expressed in a vast science, and we do not have a structure that does not operate according to cybernetic principles, today we cannot safely leave a machine (Artificial Intelligence) alone with only human supervision.

However, we can restore Cybernetics by introducing an appropriate value system – data evaluation aspects into the basis of its operation. In this way, the currently developed infocommunication society can be evaluated as a unified system. The relationships between man, nature and machine will gain rationality, and countless emerging problems will become transparent in production, trade and many human activities. Thus, the renaissance of Cybernetics makes the inevitably necessary system approach a reality, so that the fundamental factors of public problems, issues, policies and programs can finally be considered as interdependent components of the entire system and evaluated according to uniform values in practice.

By introducing simple organizing principles, it is possible to eliminate the chaos that arises as a result of the conflicting interests that arise from the operation of the market economy. This requires advanced techniques and computers to solve problems, far exceeding the mathematical abilities of the individual. Both the “hardware” of computers, automation and cybernation, and the “software” of systems science represent a new technology that is already present and functioning in everyone’s life today, but for now it seems that they only enhance the atmosphere of a gloomy future threatening chaos, since human aspirations are ignored. As soon as we introduce the organizing principle into these techniques, we practically bring about greater order at the social level. Artificial Intelligence will help with this.

LifeCybernetics is a scientific and philosophical foundation that simultaneously enables sustainability, human well-being, and technological progress. By aligning economics and ecology, it can create the foundations of a new, harmonious civilization that is prosperous, human-centered, and sustainable. This would represent not only a technological, but also a cultural and moral paradigm shift. The concept has extraordinary potential and is worth evaluating as a breakthrough that can be transformed into practical applicability, thus becoming the most effective tool for solving the world’s economic problems.

The theory of LifeCybernetics is not only suitable for unifying the sciences, but also for setting a new civilizational goal: creating an era where physical laws and human systems mutually sustain and strengthen each other. This is not only a scientific revolution, but also the foundations of a new worldview and value system that can determine the future of humanity.

A society that puts the tools and principles of cybernetics at the service of human values and sustainability can foster participatory and democratic social systems where people have greater control over their own destiny and the future of their communities. The integration of cybernetics principles with the principles of life sciences can unify all of humanity’s knowledge, opening up further opportunities for transdisciplinary research.

A well-designed and implemented human-centered and sustainable economic system that integrates the principles of cybernetics has the potential to promote healthy, inclusive, and harmonious social development, and can contribute to a more just and sustainable world. Such a system can sufficiently take into account human rights, ethics, and social justice to have a truly positive and lasting impact. A modernized and more detailed environmental management standard can bring about profound changes in economics and the global economy, creating a more sustainable economic model.

The new system will have a significant impact on corporate competition and innovation, consumer behavior, government policies and regulations, and the achievement of global environmental goals. This could improve the balance between environmental protection and economic development, helping to create a more just and sustainable future.

Artificial Intelligence from a New Perspective

Currently, narrowly focused systems developed for specific tasks often clash with each other, nature, and societal interests due to their limited applications. This leads to unresolved externalities and conflicts.

The unchecked techno-evolution we are witnessing increasingly exerts a deconstructive impact on nature, a trend that will only intensify at both national and international levels. In the cyber realm, there are no established “traffic rules” or operational guidelines, and economic and environmental regulatory systems are not aligned.

LifeCybernetics: A Unique Solution

LifeCybernetics offers a unique solution by integrating various existing AI competencies, cognitive technologies, data sources, and digital value chains into a new logical system. This allows currently isolated AI programs, projects, and digital technologies to evolve into a complex life-sustaining system based on certain evaluation principles.

The system’s operation is uniquely distinguished by its analysis of real-world economic processes and physical reality data. This results in a super-rational operation that can be effectively combined with Big Data pattern analysis methods and the potential of generative AI.

Higher-Order Artificial Intelligence

By systematically connecting IT modules as building blocks, we create a network of systems that unfold organically. This forms a complex matrix, leading to the emergence of a higher-order Artificial Intelligence. This advanced AI system encompasses various subsystems under its authority, similar to how biological organisms relate to their constituent organs. The intricate interactions of these limited-purpose systems, which are often too complex for human oversight, become increasingly harmonized and rational in their operation.

Higher-Order Artificial Intelligence

This development results in a higher level of AI operation: Human and Nature-Friendly Superintelligence. This advanced AI not only enables the creation of highly realistic dynamic and quantitative models for analysis and forecasting but also provides practical tools to coordinate our lifestyle and economy most efficiently for well-being and long-term sustainability. This encompasses both micro- and macroeconomics as well as the entire climate and ecological system.

Simple and Rational Principles

These operational systems are based on very simple, rational, and easily integratable principles. They enable advanced social innovation, where society no longer has to continuously adapt its lifestyle to the self-serving and often disruptive technological innovations and inventions. Instead, these evolving cognitive technologies, which incorporate the organizing principles and goals of unified ecological and biological cycles, will naturally benefit the creation of a human-centered society and economy. Conversely, if artificially constructed technologies are not applied according to the principles of natural operation, they will inevitably confuse and harm the living world, becoming counterproductive.

AI Serving Humanity

Therefore, technology overseen by life-centric AI can genuinely remain in the service of humanity, reliably serving the long-term interests of the human race. This approach is the cornerstone of a health-conscious, green high-tech, circular economy, essential for building an enlightened, modern civilization.


Key Objectives for the LifeQuality Complex Integrated Certification System


Eco-Conscious and Energy Optimization: Overseeing, examining, and certifying all economic, production, and supply value chain processes based on agricultural, food industry, healthcare, and energy production/supply systems.

Improving Quality of Life with AI: Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to enhance the overall quality of life.

Unified Informatic Matrix Network: Creating a unified informatic matrix network and convertible knowledge base from complex, multi- and interdisciplinary thematic data sources of scientific, social, economic, and ecological systems. This aims to integrate various scientific disciplines for AI training purposes.

Geo-Ecological-Economic System: Establishing a geo-ecological-economic system capable of reconciling geographical and market boundaries.

Inclusive Sustainable Development: Integrating all elements of society into a circular economic flow that enables sustainable development.

Decision Support System: Developing a decision support system to preserve and gradually improve the ecological diversity of health and the biosphere, promoting responsible environmental management.

Economic Sovereignty and Secure Supply: Ensuring economic sovereignty and secure local, regional, and global supply to meet health, welfare, energy-conscious, climate, and nature conservation goals.

Intelligent High-Tech Green Economy: Advancing an intelligent high-tech green economy based on biomass, customized environmental management, and conscious consumption.

LifeQuality Complex Integrated Certification System

Creating the LifeQuality Complex Integrated Certification System aims to achieve these objectives, ensuring a more sustainable, health-conscious, and technologically advanced future.



Circular Economy Based on Energy Optimization

Ecological systems have been implementing a true circular self-regulating economy for millions of years. The main principle of operation is energy optimization for survival. Individuals come into harmony with each other through their own special function. What they do (metabolize) affects themselves and their environment. The cooperation of life forms and communities is regulated by the laws of the flow of matter, energy, and information in ecological cycles. It is a natural law that more orderly states are created with greater organization. Orderliness causes more efficient operation, which means energy optimization and resource conservation. The profit of energy optimization is better viability.

Our current economy consists of individualistic units and optimizes for economic profit. Their operation does not pay special attention to the environment. Due to the economic approach based on continuous growth, they can only ensure their survival by plundering resources. Since they do not function as ecosystems, they cannot be viable in the long term. In order to make our economy sustainable, it must be organized along the lines of natural ecosystems. Based on the laws of material, energy, and information exchange governing ecological cycles, an economy can be created in which economic actors, on the one hand, enter into a synergistic relationship with each other, and on the other hand, adapt to nature and come into harmony with the biological and ecological cycles that ensure the biological living conditions of the human body.

Cooperation based on the feedback, self-regulating (cybernetics) principles observed during the operation of natural life forms allows companies to simultaneously improve the state of the economy, ecology, and society by optimizing themselves. In this way, profit can be realized increasingly through increasing energy and resource efficiency, not exclusively through the exploitation of their own living environment. This system organizing principle is LifeCybernetics. LifeQuality is a data authenticity trademark and infocommunications standard that enables this system integration.

Energy optimization and savings mean more efficient production, more sustainable management, and greater profits. With the current digital solutions of “Industry 4.0,” companies can only solve energy management and environmental management problems within their own IT systems. Bigtech companies operating in the world develop their own systems and data platforms, which are often incompatible with each other. Therefore, energy communities and energy clusters can only be organized on the condition that they use the same IT system, which is why the entire economy cannot be interconnected and can only operate in isolation. Another problem is that the cooperation of corporate management systems has not been resolved from the point of view of cybersecurity. Therefore, companies can typically only carry out their energy efficiency and environmental management activities relying on their own data and systems. This limits them from cooperating in broader energy communities or ecosystems for a more sustainable economy.

The LifeCybernetics system organizing principle and data analysis methodology offer a system integration that enables households, companies, economic actors, and governments to work together in a comprehensive energy ecosystem for the first time. Thus, by maximizing data sovereignty and cybersecurity, we create the conditions for compatible cooperation so that they can carry out their optimization activities in the full economic and ecological context. This provides an effective, self-interested tool for economic components to increase their viability and take steps to achieve the UN global goals and implement ESG criteria.

We map and depict the digital dimension of the economy step by step in an integrated system along very simple standards, which is created in complete unity with reality, as an organic extension of it.

How Much is the Biosphere Worth?


The Expression of Natural Values ​​in the Economy

Building Human Systems on the Principles of Life

Living systems, such as ecosystems, are not only sustainable, but also built on development, balance, and regeneration. LifeCybernetics takes these principles and integrates them into economic and technological systems.

In this way, the economy becomes not just a consumer of natural resources, but an active part in their maintenance and regeneration.

Harmony Between Humans and Nature

The development of technical civilization has often been at the expense of natural systems, but the paradigm of LifeCybernetics may be able to create a balance between human and natural needs in order to preserve our natural values.

This approach would allow technological innovations such as automation, artificial intelligence and renewable energies to be integrated into natural processes.

Reimagining Economics in the Model of Ecology

Economics has traditionally focused on the efficient allocation of finite resources. However, LifeCybernetics can extend this approach to a dynamically regenerative economic model that prioritizes the sustainability of natural resources and social well-being.

In this way, economic systems would mimic the circular nature of nature and minimize waste.

Paradigm Shift in Economics

The theory of LifeCybernetics not only provides a new framework for thinking, but also fundamentally questions and redefines the foundations of economics. By placing economics in harmony with ecology, it provides an opportunity to create an economic system that is sustainable, efficient and human-centered at the same time. This paradigm shift is rare and of extraordinary significance in the history of economics.

The theory introduces new metrics (e.g. for measuring ecological regeneration, energy efficiency or social justice), which it also monetizes. In this way, we can evaluate the success of economic systems in a way that goes beyond the traditional GDP-based approach.

Interdisciplinary Approach

LifeCybernetics integrates not only economics, but also ecology, systems science, philosophy, and technology. Such interdisciplinary thinking is remarkable in itself, since a complex, multifaceted approach is required to truly understand and solve economic problems.

The theory of LifeCybernetics is a profound and comprehensive vision that offers an answer to one of the greatest challenges facing humanity: creating harmony between the economy and nature. It combines mathematical models, systems theory tools, and economic principles, such as entropy, feedback, and the principles of how networks and ecosystems work, to integrate different disciplines.

Social and Global Impact

If the principles of LifeCybernetics could be implemented in practice to create systems that can create sustainable growth, social justice, and environmental balance, it would be one of the most impactful innovations in economic thinking. This would be significant not only from a scientific perspective, but also critical for the future of humanity.

LifeCybernetics articulates universal principles and can be flexibly applied across diverse cultural and economic environments, in both the developing and developed worlds.

Innovation in Practical Application

The theory of LifeCybernetics is a theoretical discovery that is not only intellectually novel, but also offers practical solutions.

LifeCybernetics can demonstrate how it can transform economic systems in the service of sustainability, ecological regeneration and human well-being.

LifeCybernetics, as a systems-organizing paradigm, will have a significant impact on economics, as it provides a new approach and tools for understanding, designing and operating economic systems. The application of the principles of life in economic systems will result in radical changes in the areas of sustainability, adaptability and social justice.


The Separation of Modern Civilization from Nature

Our modern civilization has become completely separated from nature, leaving us entirely reliant on ourselves. Traditional culture-based communities can no longer offer protection in this new synthetic world, making us vulnerable to external threats.

The Risk of Neglecting Humanistic and Eco-Conscious Technology

If we fail to ensure that technology operates in a purposefully humanistic and eco-conscious manner, we risk derailing society from the path that safeguards the survival of the natural world.

Extending Our Natural Immune System to the Modern World

For our security, we must extend our natural immune system to the modern world. Otherwise, the chaotic processes of this world will rebound and harm us, ultimately leading to our downfall.

The key question for humanity is Artificial Intelligence

The Pervasive Role of Artificial Intelligence

Soon, Artificial Intelligence will be involved in the control of every process. Therefore, the crucial question is not what high-tech systems we possess, but who controls them and what values the AI follows.


Pioneering a New Artificial Intelligence

For the first time in the world, we are creating an Artificial Intelligence that will connect humans with nature, enabling the construction of a healthy civilization in harmony with the environment. To achieve this, we must unify the currently isolated scientific disciplines and technical fields. This will create a complex, comprehensive learning environment that spans the entire spectrum of life, allowing AI to be trained on natural laws. This new multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary applied science is called “LifeCybernetics.”


LifeCybernetics: Building on Natural Laws

The algorithm is built on the natural laws that govern and regulate ecological and biological cycles (metabolic energetic axiom system). The unique evaluation criteria and immense information processing capacity of the central cognitive architecture ensure the eco- and human-compatibility of the Artificial Intelligence. This enables the AI to autonomously and reliably provide decision-support recommendations that are safe and comprehensive, aligning with the collective interests of individuals, society, the human species, and the living environment.

Universal Goals of Intellectual and Biological Development

This technology allows us to unite for the universal goals of intellectual and biological development, which are in our common interest. Through increasingly rational operation, human civilization can comprehend the complex relationships between Life and the Planet. It can connect with the biosphere’s natural plant and animal life organizations that ensure its existence, and in harmony—homeostasis—unfold its true human quality.


Achieving Sustainable Development with AI

Sustainable development can be achieved by harmonizing human activities through the integration of individuals, the economy, society, and the natural environment into a unified system. This cannot be accomplished without Artificial Intelligence.


Adapting state operations to the challenges of the information and communication world. Governance can become more efficient, effective, and secure through monitoring, analyzing, life-centered, proactive decision support. Uniting all elements of society for sustainable competitiveness.


"The Earth is our living space, so the whole world is our laboratory." Scientists and researchers can collaborate in the shared knowledge space to achieve common goals, helping each other to understand the field as a whole. Their work will thus be more socially and economically beneficial.


In the near future, only human-centered environmental consciousness will be competitive. The risk of transforming corporate goal systems and production value chains into eco-neutral, scalable models will be lower. Their better and safer products will provide them with a business advantage. Due to their positive efforts, their social utility and respect will increase.


"What is good for the body is good for the planet." By utilizing energy optimization systems, everyone will have the opportunity to contribute to their own health, the health of their family, the viability of their company, and the sustainability of the environment. An optimistic life perspective and many small efforts will collectively forge a powerful force for collective interest.

„The study of nature is apparently dealt with by separate, specialized disciplines. If we want to understand natural phenomena, we have to combine various knowledge materials into a single understanding. By erasing the boundaries that separate physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, ecology, history, philosophy, and religion, we get a higher and more complex worldview..”
– Norbert Wiener [1948] –

„We have inherited from our forefathers the keen longing for unified, all-embracing knowledge. The very name given to the highest institutions of learning reminds us, that from antiquity to and throughout many centuries the universal aspect has been the only one to be given full credit. But the spread, both in and width and depth, of the multifarious branches of knowledge by during the last hundred odd years has confronted us with a queer dilemma. We feel clearly that we are only now beginning to acquire reliable material for welding together the sum total of all that is known into a whole; but, on the other hand, it has become next to impossible for a single mind fully to command more than a small specialized portion of it.”
– Erwin Schrödinger [1944] –



The study of nature is apparently dealt with by separate, specialized disciplines. If we want to understand natural phenomena, we have to combine various knowledge materials into a single understanding. By erasing the boundaries that separate physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, ecology, history, philosophy, and religion, we get a higher and more complex worldview.


Norbert Wiener

Father of Cybernetics [1948]
"Any machine constructed for the purpose of making decisions, if it does not possess the power of learning, will be completely literal-minded. Woe to us if we let it decide our conduct, unless we have previously ex- amined the laws of its action, and know fully that its con- duct will be carried out on principles acceptable to us!"



"Science, as well as technology, will in the near and in the farther future increasingly turn from problems of intensity, substance, and energy, to problems of structure, organization, information, and control."
John von Neumann
"If I go out into nature, into the unknown, to the fringes of knowledge, everything seems mixed up and contradictory, illogical, and incoherent. This is what research does; it smooths out contradictions and makes things simple, logical, and coherent.”
Albert Szent-Györgyi
"Nobel Prize-winning Chemist
„It's nice the know the computer understands the situation, but I would like to understand it too.."
Eugene Wigner
"Nobel Prize-winning physicist
“...I see that in this concept everything that I formulated as goals for humanity through my whole life's work will come true in practical life as well”
Ervin Laszlo
philosopher of science
“I very much agree with their aspirations and consider them fully worthy of support. I wish you all the best to make your ideas a success!”
George A. Olah
"Nobel Prize-winning Chemist
“… I think this is the only idea that has ever seen the light of day that can really be done to prevent humanity from destroying itself in the end!”
László Bognár
“... Laci! Everything you've been telling me for years is only now starting to become a topic at scientific conferences!…”
László Rosta
“… You have managed to find a simple method of how to involve broad social strata in the fight for sustainability, which science as a whole has not yet found.…”
Sándor Némethy
Biologist - environmental scientist


LifeCybernetics UK LTD

Office 5 The Round House, Dormans Park Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, United Kingdom, RH19 2EN



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